Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 14: If only there was a "friendly fire" option...

Day 14 - A Picture of a Champion You HATE Playing With on a Team


Anytime I see someone pick Sivir, I'm like aw hell noob right there.  Now don't get me wrong...  I have seen a really good one own me with her attack damage and speed, but for the most part she's a boring repetitive champion that only noobs play.  ESPECIALLY one I played with recently who decided to tank with Sivir.  She bought a Warmog and then sporadically decided to jump into the other's group of five and stand there!  Bitch, you do not have any slows or stuns.  Just because you have a Warmog does NOT mean you're a tank.

1 comment:

  1. omg i HATED that sivir. reported with a paragraph of complaints.
